The main reason for getting Clickbank Account disabled in india is that clickbank started receiving tons of signup requests from India during the Covid time. Because large number of people were searching ways to make money online. During this time many people joined clickbank with dream of earning quick money. They did not even read the clickbank policies for promoting any product and thus start violating clickbank polices. And that is time when clickbank started disabling those accounts and restricted creating new accounts.
But that does not mean that clickbank has blacklisted India from their list. India is still an active country for clickbank and people are making good amount of money.
The only thing which clickbank has changed is – they have made their system more secure in order to accept new signup requests.
We have list down the main parameters which clickbank algorithm verifies for each new signup request.
- Browser history
- Browser cookies and cache files
- IP Address Score
Clickbank algorithm checks your browser history, cookies and cache files and if you have visited any of following wesbites then it will suspect you as a spammer and immediately block your account.
- Virus Attacked Websites
- Ransomeware Websites
- Bad Coding Websites
- Low-Quality Websites
- Unethical Websites
- Harmful Websites
- Adult Websites
- Without SSL Certificate Websites
- Spammy Websites or
- Linked With Spammy Websites
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