Clickbank Account Disabled in India - 2022 (Solved)

Many people in India are not able to create Clickbank account successfully. There account is getting disabled as soon as they fill up their details on signup page and click on Join clickbank. There are many reason for clickbank account disabled in India.

What is Clickbank

During this current trend of earn money online, many people are actively searching for different ways to make money online. There are many ways to make money online if you have correct knowledge and skillset. One of the most popular method among them is Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing helps you to earn money by promoting different affiliate products on different platforms like blog website, Youtube channel, Social media channel etc. Clickbank is one of the Affiliate platform where you can either promote someone else products and get commission for each successful sale and also if you have any product then you can list it on clickbank and get sales when other affiliates promote your products.

Why Clickbank Account Disabled in India

The main reason for getting Clickbank Account disabled in india is that clickbank started receiving tons of signup requests from India during the Covid time. Because large number of people were searching ways to make money online. During this time many people joined clickbank with dream of earning quick money. They did not even read the clickbank policies for promoting any product and thus start violating clickbank polices.  And that is time when clickbank started disabling those accounts and restricted creating new accounts. 

But that does not mean that clickbank has blacklisted India from their list. India is still an active country for clickbank and people are making good amount of money.

The only thing which clickbank has changed is – they have made their system more secure in order to accept new signup requests.

We have list down the main parameters which clickbank algorithm verifies for each new signup request.

  1. Browser history
  2. Browser cookies and cache files
  3. IP Address Score

Clickbank algorithm checks your browser history, cookies and cache files and if you have visited any of following wesbites then it will suspect you as a spammer and immediately block your account.

  • Virus Attacked Websites
  • Ransomeware Websites
  • Bad Coding Websites
  • Low-Quality Websites
  • Unethical Websites
  • Harmful Websites
  • Adult Websites
  • Without SSL Certificate Websites
  • Spammy Websites or
  • Linked With Spammy Websites

How to Create Clickbank Account Successfully in India

We have listed down the all main reason why you are not able to create your clickbank account or why your clickbank account is getting disabled.

Thus, in order to create your clickbank account successfully in India you must have to follow the below points.

  1. You need to try creating your clickbank account with new email ID which you have not tried with clickbank before.
  2. You need to make sure your IP Address quality is good. You can check your IP Address quality online. You can search it on google.
  3. You need to make sure that your clear your all time browser history, cookies and cache files.
  4. Once you have cleared all your browser data then you search some legit website on google. it can be related to affiliate marketing like Amazon affiliate, digistore24 etc. This step is required so that you can have some history and cookies in your browser for some legit websites. So that clickbank algorithm does not flag you as a spammer.
  5. Now you can try to create clickbank account as a normal process.

Still Not Able to Create Your ClickBank Account ??

If you are still not able to create your clickbank account in India then our team can surely create a clickbank account for you at very nominal fee.

Click on the Below button to get your 100% legit Clickbank Account instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is ClickBank disabled in India?

No, Clickbank is not banned in India. You can create your clickbank account and start promoting products to earn good affiliate income.

2. Why ClickBank account is getting disabled?

The main reason for getting Clickbank Account disabled in india is that clickbank started receiving tons of signup requests from India during the Covid time. Because large number of people were searching ways to make money online. During this time many people joined clickbank with dream of earning quick money. They did not even read the clickbank policies for promoting any product and thus start violating clickbank polices.  And that is time when clickbank started disabling those accounts and restricted creating new accounts. 

3. Does ClickBank work in India?

Yes, Clickbank works perfectly fine in India. Many affiliate marketers are making good money by promoting Clickbank affiliate products organically or via paid ad media.

4. How does ClickBank pay in India?

You can get paid your clickbank affiliate commission by three methods

  1. Paychecks
  2. Direct Deposit
  3. Paypal

The most convenient and fast method to get clickbank payment is direct method. To enable direct  deposit method you need to provide your bank account details like Bank Name, your account number and bank IFSC code.

5. How can I join ClickBank from India?

You can visit clickbank official website here and then click on start here button and then you need to answer some questions followed by filling up your personal information like your name, email address, mobile number, address etc and complete the signup process.

6. Why clickbank suspended account

Clickbank algorithm checks your IP Address quality score, your browser history, cookies and cache files and if you have visited any harmful wesbites, adult wesbites, spammy websites, ransomeware websites then it will suspect you as a spammer and immediately suspend or block  your account.

7. Clickbank signup problem

If you are facing problem in creating clickbank account then please follow the below steps to create clickbank account successfully:

  1. You need to try creating your clickbank account with new email ID which you have not tried with clickbank before.
  2. You need to make sure your IP Address quality is good. You can check your IP Address quality online. You can search it on google.
  3. You need to make sure that your clear your all time browser history, cookies and cache files.
  4. Once you have cleared all your browser data then you search some legit website on google. it can be related to affiliate marketing like Amazon affiliate, digistore24 etc. This step is required so that you can have some history and cookies in your browser for some legit websites. So that clickbank algorithm does not flag you as a spammer.
  5. Now you can try to create clickbank account as a normal process.

8. How to enable clickbank account

You can enable your clickbank account by following the below steps:

  1. You need to try creating your clickbank account with new email ID which you have not tried with clickbank before.
  2. You need to make sure your IP Address quality is good. You can check your IP Address quality online. You can search it on google.
  3. You need to make sure that your clear your all time browser history, cookies and cache files.
  4. Once you have cleared all your browser data then you search some legit website on google. it can be related to affiliate marketing like Amazon affiliate, digistore24 etc. This step is required so that you can have some history and cookies in your browser for some legit websites. So that clickbank algorithm does not flag you as a spammer.
  5. Now you can try to create clickbank account as a normal process.

9. Why clickbank account disabled after signup

The main reasons for your clickbank account getting disabled after signup is :

  1. Your Bad IP Address quality score
  2. Your browser history, cookies and cached files.

Clickbank algorithm checks your IP Address quality score, your browser history, cookies and cache files and if you have visited any harmful wesbites, adult wesbites, spammy websites, ransomeware websites then it will suspect you as a spammer and immediately suspend or block  your account.

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